Women Architects & Designers Who Are Ready to Build a Prospering Design Practice Aligned with Spirit & their Divine Calling While Making a Powerful Impact on Earth...

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Are You

 A high-achieving, spirit-conscious woman architect, landscape architect, interior designer who's eager to bridge spirit with design but don't see how this could be a viable channel for abundant client and money flow?

 Feeling blocked, depleted & burned out from the grind of conventional practice, despite experiencing financial and professional success, having gone as far as you can within that paradigm, and yet something bigger is calling you but you're too scared to take the leap?

Holding back from talking openly about Spirit in fear of clients and colleagues calling you CRAZY, blowing your credibility, and being alienated by the architecture/ design profession?

✵ Yearning for a nourishing & creative work rhythm, enjoying more time outdoors connecting with your body & the Earth while attracting the spaciousness and funds to finally design your own dream sanctuary. Not just for others?

 Hearing the call to build a beautiful temple - a space for healing, creativity & spirituality, a school, intentional community, organic farm aligned with Nature's Energies but don't know where to begin with planning?

Hi, I'm Aisha Rose!


After 20 + years of pouring my love into teaching and practicing architecture internationally and successfully working with land energetics, I've discovered how to design beautiful properties that bring vibrant health & wealth to my clients and this planet

My signature system, The Sacred Blueprint™, has touched 1000+ architects & property owners in less than 2 years. I’m a sought-after expert, the only one in my field providing high-touch coaching for women architects, designers & visionary leaders on how to partner with Nature's energy to create homes, gardens, communities, and cities of the future.

After a successful career in conventional architecture, I was miserable and depleted. Not only that, I could see the limits of the old paradigm and how they were a detriment to our Mother Earth. I listened to my inner call, took the big leap, and quit my job to revolutionize a new way!

Now, I'm passionately living my mission, leading a flourishing business and sooo lit up about building the dream sanctuaries I help my clients create. I want this for you, too...

I Am Delighted to Invite You to An Exclusive Group mentorship Immersion Like No Other!  



An Unforgettable High-Touch 4-Day VIP Group Mentorship Journey to a Mega Power Place, Mystery School Centre, Bridge between East & West, and one of the 7 Wonders of the World!

 Uplevel your Prospering Spirit-led Design Practice

✵ Activate your Divine Creation Capacities

✵ Anchor in your Soul’s Planetary Mission

✵ Birth Your Dream Sanctuary



You study spiritual wisdom, healing or meditation, and want to learn how to use energy as a design tool to build sanctuaries that restore balance & beauty on this planet while attracting amazing money, projects & clients! 

You have lost your passion & love for architecture and are searching for a fresh modality that brings joy & ease to project planning while healing your body & Soul.

You desire to be part of a new global movement of women architects & designers to share, support, exchange ideas, and re-activate your feminine magic.   

You sense an indescribable huge shift arising and know you have an important role in pioneering the future architecture!


During This One-Of-A-Kind 4-Day Journey You'll:

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✵ Discover the magic of the ancient city of Ephesus and its unique earth energies so you master how to generate beautiful project plans that attract abundance and vitality.


 ✵ Be immersed in the overflowing life forces of this sacred site to recalibrate your body, clear old paradigm programming, and restore yourself to the shining being you are.


✵ Experience the harmonizing qualities of temple architecture so you apply it to design healing spaces with success and precision.

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✵ Access energetic keys & codes in the Earth to help you birth homes, gardens, and communities aligned with people's souls and the Spirit of the Land.


✵ Unleash your intuitive powers and feminine flow to create dream sanctuaries while magnetizing amazing clients and money without overworking, stress and panic.


✵ Learn how to consistently tap Nature's bounty opening the way for your creativity and architectural visions to stream easily and efficiently while minimizing burnout and maximizing joy. 



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✵ Receive custom crafted guidance & practical tools to unlock your signature genius and spiritual gifts.


✵ Activate your divine creation capacities and start speaking your truth so you build the beauty you are meant to build.


✵ Come together with kindred women who are hearing the urgent call to bridge spirit with form weaving a powerful container of support to accelerate your mission and business.


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✵ Be guided through potent group visioning exercises to anchor in your new design modality, magnificent expression, and legacy projects.


✵ Awaken the ancient temple builder you are so you pioneer the blueprints for our New Earth, and make a powerful impact on this planet while nourishing the next 7 generations and beyond.


meet the goddess


The Temple of Artemis is at the core of our journey and one-of-a-kind magical gathering. This sacred temple has a very unique and powerful energetic frequency that was once the venue for great initiations of both priests and priestesses of the Ephesian Mystery School. One of the 7 Wonders of the World, it was built in honour of the Goddess Artemis who was at the heart of culture and spiritual life in Ephesus. 

Artemis is there waiting to hear you speak your truth and help you remember the pulse of primal beginnings and overflowing waters of creation that exists within you! When you commune with her, she will share the keys and codes for your next level transformation, design mastery and success while amplifying your radiance and abundance... opening up the floodgates for your creative life force energy so you become the BRIDGE between Spirit and Form, and pioneer the future architecture!

Your VIP Retreat Includes:

 4-Day High-Touch VIP Group Mentoring Experience facilitated by Aisha including:

~ On-Site Land Energy & Sacred Architecture Teachings

~ Meditations, Visioning Journeys & Activations

~ Spotlight Coaching

~ Special Goddess Communion Ceremony

✓ Visits to ancient city of Ephesus, St. John’s Basilica, and the Temple of Artemis personally guided by Aisha

✓ 4 Nights Accommodation at Ephesus Retreat Hotel (including breakfast & dinner)

✓ Ancient city & museum entrance fees

✓ Private Airport Shuttle Service (pickup and dropoff)

2 ~ (1.5hr) Group Integration Zoom Sessions (scheduled after in-person retreat)


added 1:1 SUPPORT

✓ 4 Private Sessions with Aisha*

  2 Private Alchemical Healing Sessions with Aisha*

*Scheduled within 2 months after in-person retreat


our stunning retreat centre!!!

Are you finally ready to give yourself delux care and attention, Goddess style?

Rejuvenate and restore at a one-of-a-kind retreat centre with breathtaking views of nature and the ancient city.

Enjoy relaxing time in Nature. Eat amazing mediterranean food.

Have tons of fun with women who speak the same spirit language as you!





Natalie Wells

Interior Alchemist & Home Harmonizer, Founder of Sanctuary Space, www.sanctuaryspace.co.uk



Landscape Architect, Founder of Garden Constellations™, www.gardenconstellations.com



Interior Designer


Goedele Aerts

Landscape Architect & Founder of Garden Constellations®

>>> Click here <<< to watch full interview


Ecological & Circular Design Architect, Founder of Döngüsel Tasarım 

>>> Click here <<< to watch full interview


Architectural Designer & Land Healer, Founder of Dwelling Design

>>> Click here <<< to watch full interview 


Visual & Site Specific Artist, Founder of BearthHumanity 

>>> Click here <<< to watch full interview




Bonus 1

Online VIP Day with Aisha


Bonus 2

Business & Design Modality Strategy Session with Aisha 

Only for early bird registrations

More Raves!

Anna Morcombe

"Aisha is a wildly empathic, fun, gentle, welcoming, fluid and compassionate leader and educator who sets the scene beautifully to explore the ancient wonders of a unique and special place!

Travelling to Ephesus from another country was a journey of celebration and discovery. It is surprising to me that at the Temple of Artemis, a site with a rich and relevant history, the temple ruins are regarded by many visitors as nothing much. A lack of crowds make the place even more delightful as it is a place where one can just BE. To experience the energy of the temple architecture and landscape is to gently be revealed secrets to your inner growth (if you are willing) and explore your human relationship to nature and the flow of life. It is a sacred place to recognise our foundations as custodians of the earth and accept our roles in the great mysteries that unfold as we develop our potential." 

Anna Morcombe, Architectural Designer and Land Healer, www.dwellingdesign.com.au

Veronica Burch_Headshot_transparent background

"My journey with Aisha has been genuinely transformative, leaving a profound impact on both my architectural practice and personal life!

Aisha's skillful guidance has led me to awaken the divine temple builder within, fostering a deep trust in my own abilities and encouraging me to surrender to the great mysteries of creation. Her mentorship has played a crucial role in unlocking my inner knowings, intuition, and beautiful imagination. Throughout this process, I've successfully shed limiting beliefs, including the scarcity mindset and imposter syndrome.

Under Aisha's wise counsel, I've not only delved into spiritual and energetic exercises but have also honed essential skills, such as establishing healthy boundaries and mastering effective time and resource management. The integration of self-care and spiritual practices has proven to be pivotal, creating a harmonious balance that has profoundly elevated both my personal and professional life. All in all, this approach empowers me to work from a place of graceful flow and divine action and, most importantly, to serve as a bridge between heaven and Earth, bringing a divinely enriched perspective to my endeavours.

The positive impacts of Aisha's mentorship extend beyond the achievement of my initial goals, notably securing my first perfectly aligned client—a tangible testament to her effective guidance. Aisha's influence has expanded my approach to architecture, empowering me to lead my business with a heartfelt commitment to bringing healing, harmony, and beauty to my clients, the world, and all its beings.

Aisha's strength lies in her intuitive guidance and unwavering commitment to honouring one's authentic self. This unique approach creates an environment where my individuality and imagination not only thrive but are thoughtfully cultivated to fulfill my true purpose.

I wholeheartedly recommend Aisha to fellow architects and designers aspiring to fulfill their truest dreams. Aisha's personal experience in the profession and sacred arts combined with her insightful guidance, illuminates a clear path toward both professional and personal growth."

Alexandra Bogusat, Architect, MAA

Özgul Öztürk (1)

"It's incredible to work with Aisha!

I thank Aisha for partnering with me on my journey and supporting me to build my inner strength and gather the power within myself to realise my visions! From transforming my relationship my body, moving to my dream office, to business goals (which were planned for the coming months) being miraculously resolved in a matter of weeks!, these all happened after the VIP Retreat in Ephesus and my first 4 months working with Aisha privately. After our deep communion at the Temple of Artemis, the fire of my dreams and intentions is burning both in reality and in my heart while every small step is opening the way for greater ease."

Özgül Öztürk, Ecological & Circular Design Architect, www.donguseltasarim

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"It was refreshing to be really listened to and supported to pursue design in a soul-centred way, connected to earth and spirit!

Aisha taught me new ways of connecting to my intuition to guide the design process. She encouraged me to get very clear about my future desires and I believe this clarity helped to unlock incredible manifesting powers! My very specific dream which seemed impossible has miraculously taken shape and I am now working on projects that are meaningful with communities that I want to impact positively."

Veronica Burch, Architect & Interior Designer

Anemona Crisan

"Right from the beginning, I felt Aisha's unique and magnificent gift of deeply understanding me.

Through holding space for me and my project, Aisha helped me re-discover my inner guidance to access my authentic power and greatness so I'm able to do the work and follow the purpose I’m here to do. Her profound expertise and knowledge in architecture, design and space energetics support my artistic approach in a beautiful, organic way and help me pave the way for new, impactful art works and projects to be birthed. As a woman artist, who's working within architecture, landscape and the Earth with a revolutionary view of art, Aisha’s mentoring has been a crucial support on my journey!"

Anemona Crisan, Visual & Site Specific Artist, www.anemonacrisan.com

Tami Codianne Miller_circle"The gift that Aisha shares is unique in its transformation to allow you to grow directly and indirectly from her teachings and through her words of empowerment.

In her one-on-one mentor offerings, she finds those points of connections with the land, with spirit, with inspiration, and with source, and stewards you into finding your own connections as well. Her personalized meditations and check-ins guided me step-by step into developing a greater trust in my intuition and body sense while the practices and exercises encouraged me to think through how it all translated into the vision and mission of creating my business offerings."

Tami Codianne-Miller, Intuitive Designer

Tami Codianne Miller_circle"I gained a lot of power to be BOLD, to become who I truly am and not be afraid to speak my own truth with my own voice!

Aisha’s guidance was so powerful and healing to my soul. I feel I went through a deep transformation and I got rid of a bunch of blocks. I received a lot of energy from Aisha and from our amazing women’s circle, a wonderful healing container of rising woman power. Her sensitive attention and openhearted attitude helped me to recognize my own blindspots and schemings, which was a great point of awakening in some way:) I became more conscious. I feel I am more grounded after the Architect’s Studio and can spread more magic which is the most important thing for me! Now, I can see much clearer my way of working, and have formed my visions and services. I would recommend Aisha because working with her is a very deep and transformative journey. She gave me so much power and inspiration to step into my dreams and be BOLD and brave enough to re-structure my beliefs. She is an amazing wise listener who asks the right questions..and as a result, I became more conscious and have clearer visions. She was able to dissolve unsupportive belief systems in me which had a healing and uplifting effect not only on my business but also for me! Thank you so much Aisha!”

Andrea Benedek-Szabó, Holistic Interior Designer, www.nowheredesign.hu

Goedele Aerts_circle

"I am able to achieve more than I thought possible for myself!

I love how Aisha guides me with her individuality. With an intuitive way she feels very well what is right and what is not right. Aisha brings out my uniqueness. She motivates and enthuses and also knows how to correct where necessary. This is a nice balance between male doing energy and female arising energy. In this way, I can only become the best version of myself, right now. I am able to achieve more than I thought possible for myself! Because of her guidance and motivation, I can now transform all thoughts, all possibilities that shoot or wander through my mind into actions, concrete and tangible form. Because of this I am now developing and working out a unique, workable trajectory for my clients, which also completely fits who I am. Through our cooperation and guidance I gain self-confidence in my own abilities. It is worth it and I am already motivated to get out what is in it, every moment!"

Goedele Aerts, Landscape Architect, Founder of Garden Constellations™